Saturday, January 1, 2011


Retro review time -

So I like movies, music, concerts, events, etc - Good, Bad, Insanely Boring, Crappy, you name it. The problem is, is that there are few "good" review sites (Rotten Tomatoes is one of the top as well as Roger Ebert's colum/blog) and everyone is a critic, which just get's old criticizing EVERYTHING. BUT,  I'm having troubles coming up with a good review meter - Nothing lame like a point scale or a deflated popcorn tub or anything like that, something that you can read and take with you that gives you a sense of "is this actually decent to see or does it suck?"  Like say a Crap-O-Meter or Fail Scale or something.

Not just movies either, concerts, events or anything that justifies a review.  Rotten Tomatoes has a sliding 0 - 100 percent scale, I'm just gonna use the A-F scale and if the movie gets an F (or a D), then I'll use the Fail Scale or Crap-O-Meter to let you know how bad it was.  Every review has a 3 point take on the event that you watch (good, bad, ugly etc), to keep it brief, I'm going to use the same type of template.

Let's get this on.

Star Trek (2009)
In brief: Let's face it, Star Trek has thinned itself out TV and Movie wise, The Wrath Of Khan being one of the BEST of the franchise, whilst most everything else was, what seemed to me, was forced.  Rushed productions, anemic plots and bad ideas sunk the franchise.  If only someone had taken control of this ship (no pun intended) earlier and given us movies that didn't jump the shark every single time, then maybe this series of movies wouldn't have become a laughing stock.
Thank upper management for J.J. Abrams - love him or hate him, he and a few other's took this franchise and made it better.  Breaking with tradition and resetting the whole game and taking this to an alternate time line without throwing it in  your face or being cheeky or pandering to the camera and giving the audience the "lol look at us, wink wink, we're changing things, but you know that".  It was done tastefully and the writers of the movie (Orci and Kurtzman, Transformers/Fringe) really took this movie and gave the fans a taste of what will hopefully be a wonderful rediscovery of an idea that needs to be explored even further.
- Side Note - This is the move that was supposed to made after Star Trek II (with the exception of Nero and what not) where Kirk and Spock met at the Academy and how Kirk beat the Kobiyashi Maru.
The Good: A complete retelling of the Star Trek myth with actor's that look like the former players (Shatner and it is a retelling from the start, young Kirk, the Academy, even Kirk's father sacrificing himself to save other's.  It's not your typical retelling/reboot of a popular series, which makes it even better because they acknowledge this with out being campy as well.
The Bad: Alternate Reality - even though it's a reboot of the series, alternate realities sometimes suck, like, will we see a Khan?  Will he Wrath? 
The Ugly: what is up with the Romulan ship and their Tattoos and that damn bug that was thrown down Pike's throat - echh.

I give it an A on my Bad-Ass-Ometer, this is a movie that can be watched over and over with out it getting boring.  Plus, if you don't get emotional about the crew going into battle and seeing the Enterprise entering a space battle spraying phaser fire around it, you aren't a fan of the Sci-Fi.

Now - off to watch Trespass with Ice-T, the bad guy that took over the church and shut down Dulles from Die Hard 2 and the pussy auto sales guy from True Lies.  This ought to be a winner.

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