Before I rant, did you know that Mila Kunis dated Macauly Culkin, they say every dog has his day, apparently Macauly had 365 of them for 8 years.
Onto rant -
Who is this Snooki person? Why is she even a star? I know she was on that Jersey Shore show on MTv, but who cares, really. I had to look her up because it was getting to me about why she is popular and I found her (crappy) webpage. This is what I surmise of Snooki.
She is a fat Italian Princess, whose parents have always doted on her, telling her that she's beautiful and praising her so much so that she believed it. She's unique in that Paris Hilton is a slut way. Also, she can only take pictures of the left side of her face. If someone cloned Peg Bundy and accidentally dropped that mess into a petrie dish of an italian immigrant, that's her, also, she's fat.
She's a media whore, she'll pretty much do anything for attention for as long as she possibly can milk it and then to top it off, she has a book coming out - presumably about how awesome and unique and cool she is and about how crazy her life is, again, following the Paris Hilton How To on being a typical asshole celebrity.
Are we as a society that fucking hard up on reality tv that we'll make any one this-side-of-crazy a star or is MTv so keyed in on this society that they can just continue making this reality crap and we'll watch it (or is it both)? Here's an idea for a whacky reality tv show - we take all the crazy reality tv show people, put them in a circular room, in the middle of the room is 10 million dollars. The contestants have to stand in a circle around the money on these glowing squares and answer round robin questions, easy at first but continually harder (and mostly math) to the point of where the questions are Championship Double Jeopardy style. We'll call it "There Can Be Only One", because those squares are trap doors and those trap doors lead into pits of death, like say one goes to the Rancor, one to a pit of deadly snakes, one is just molten magma, another acid, another has blades coming out of the slide, one leads to the sarlacc pit, one to the Oscar Meyer (tm) Hot Dog Factory, etc etc. Who would be the winner? We would... we would.
Anyways, back to this Snooki person - I only have one question... why?
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